General Rules

  • Students must come to school in Proper School Uniform. Uniform is compulsory at all school Functions, Parent Teacher Meetings and on any visit the child may make to the school during working hours.
  • Students must be punctual Reporting time on all days will be five minutes before the first bell.Entry will not be permitted subsequently.
  • At the first bell students should make their way to the place of assembly in absolute silence.At the second bell the assembly shall commence.
  • Changing of rooms between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly way.
  • Students are not allowed to receive visitors during school hours. Lunch/Tiffin boxes will NOT be. delivered to the child under any circumstances.
  • Students are prohibited from carrying objectionable literature / material to school.
  • The use of cell phone is strictly prohibited within the school premises. Confiscated cell phone will not be returned under any circumstance.
  • The use of mehndi , other forms of ornamentation which include jewellery or expensive watches, wearing cosmetic including kajal is not permitted. Boys are expected to wear their hair short.
  • School property must be taken care of by the students. Writing or scribbling on the walls or causing damage to School Property will be treated as a breach of discipline.
  • It is mandatory to maintain a minimum of 60% marks throughout the session to avail the benefit of any kind of fee concession provided to the student (scholarship , teacher’s ward , management) failing which all concession will be withdrawn with immediate effect.
  • Decision regarding choice of section or allotment of section in case of a new section is the prerogative of only school authorities & is always taken in the best interest of the student. Request regarding change of section will not be entertained at all.
  • It is mandatory to converse in English for all students while they are in the school premises. Hindi conversation may lead to a deduction of marks from the English examination paper.
  • Disobedience , disrespect towards teachers or bad moral influence , issue of the 3rd yellow card for indiscipline or jeopardizing the safety of school, at student’s or his/her guardian’s level will justify dismissal of a student with immediate effect.
  • Bunking of school by student of any class irrespective of age, will lead to immediate rustication and expulsion of student from the school without any explanation whatsoever.
  • The school shall not be held responsible for any unforeseen accident/illness or mishap, which may occur, during School Hours or School Trips.
  • Parent’s attendance is mandatory at all Parent Teacher Meetings. It is parent’s /guardian’s responsibility to ensure correct authentic signatures on the report card and all important notices.
  • Only and only parents will be entertained on the PTM’s
  • Signing of report card only by the Parents within a week of result declaration is mandatory by all parents.
  • The School discourages private tuitions. In case it is absolutely essential, please contact the Principal.
  • As regards promotion/ detention the decision of the Principal is Final.
  • Wearing of Helmet and a Learner’s License is mandatory for all students riding a two wheeler.


Parents are requested to bear in mind that the school attaches great importance in building sound character in the pupils. Therefore, they are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by making their children understand that a well disciplined way of life is as important at home as in school.

Punctuality and regularity in attendance, proper school uniform, an earnest effort towards completing Home Work Assignment and an exemplary behavior in and outside the school is always insisted upon.

Parents are required to sign their ward’s Report Cards or any other similar documents related to their wards, whenever requested upon or sent home for their perusal.

Change in Address or Telephone Number of parents or guardians must be intimated to the School in writing without delay. The School will not be responsible for non-receipt of any communication in case the changes are not intimated.

Students are not allowed to go home during school hours. Parents are requested to ensure that no social engagement are medical appointments are fixed during working hours. Parents are earnestly requested not to send their wards to the school on the day their wards require short leave.

It is obligatory for students to participate whole heartedly in any excursion or picnics organized by the school. Such outings are organized with minute details under the supervision of the members of the staff.

Parents are advised to abstain from criticizing the School Authorities or the Staff in the presence of their wards. Students must be taught and encouraged to respect their teachers and elders.

The parents are advised to attend all the PTA Meetings held in the school to know the progress of their wards and give their valuable suggestions for further improvement.

It is suggested to the parents to discourage their wards from driving any vehicle if they are below sixteen years of age.

Students over sixteen years may drive vehicles without gears. Kindly ensure that they have a proper driving license and wear crash helmets as safety measures.

To ensure the safety and well being of your ward kindly arrange for a helmet for students coming to school on a two wheeler.

All parents are requested to complete the details of fee deposition as soon as the payment is made to facilitate the working of accounts office. Any discrepancy will be resolved only by production of fee booklet.

Considering the peer pressure on students, recent years have seen a major increase in bunking incidents at schools. Parents are requested to monitor the whereabouts of their wards strictly and observe their friend circle minutely.